Descargar Light It Up (Peter Ash) de Nick Petrie PDF ePub
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Light It Up (Peter Ash) de Nick Petrie
Descripción - Críticas Praise for Light It Up'Gun battles, harrowing high-speed escapes and lethal hand-to-hand fights...Petrie colors in more of the portrait of his troubled hero, including his darkest moment in the Middle East. Ash's posse is coalescing, too, including June, the savvy reporter he fell for in Burning Bright, and Lewis, the smooth but equally lethal compadre whose friendship with Ash has a Spenser-Hawk vibe....Light It Up extends a quality action series with plenty of room ahead both for new adventures and character development.'--Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 'Like Robert Parker's Spenser, Ash is a self-contained, unstoppable force with very useful friends. Vividly troubled yet likable, he intrigues the reader even while managing to save a little part of his world--again. The action in this third outing is nonstop; the drug scene is timely; the characters, including the villains, are deftly drawn, and the tension keeps rising.'--Library Journal 'Propulsive...Petrie is a master of orchestrating convincing mayhem.'--Publishers Weekly
More Praise for the Peter Ash novels
'Peter Ash is one of the most complex characters I've come across in a long time....There is grit in this tale that will stay with you for a long time. Perhaps forever.'--New York Times bestselling author David Baldacci 'With The Drifter, Nick Petrie has written just about the perfect thriller.'--New York Times bestselling author John Lescroart '[The] lean prose, gritty descriptions, and raw psychological depth give the novel a feel that reminded me of early Dennis Lehane.'--Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel 'A gripping, beautifully written novel.'--Huffington Post'A hell of a series.'--Kirkus Reviews (starred review) 'A suspenseful high-tech ride, complete with a steadily mounting body count and a compelling protagonist.'--Booklist (starred review) 'A top-notch series of thrillers marked by a considerable sympathy for veterans...Aficionados of Lee Child's Jack Reacher will enjoy getting to know this new action hero.'--Library Journal Reseña del editor 'Lots of characters get compared to my own Jack Reacher, but Petrie's Peter Ash is the real deal.'--Lee ChildIn this action-packed thriller starring war veteran Peter Ash, a well-planned and flawlessly executed hijacking reveals the hidden dangers of Colorado's mellowest business, but Ash may find there's more to this crime than meets the eye.Combat veteran Peter Ash leaves a simple life rebuilding hiking trails in Oregon to help his good friend Henry Nygaard, whose daughter runs a Denver security company that protects cash-rich cannabis entrepreneurs from modern-day highwaymen. Henry's son-in-law and the company's operations manager were carrying a large sum of client money when their vehicle vanished without a trace, leaving Henry's daughter and her company vulnerable.Then, when Peter is riding shotgun on another cash run, the cargo he's guarding comes under attack from hijackers and he narrowly escapes with his life. As the incidents mount, he has to wonder: For criminals as sophisticated as these, is this money really worth the risk? And if not, what about his cargo is worth more? Biografía del autor Nick Petrie received his MFA in fiction from the University of Washington, won a Hopwood Award for short fiction while an undergraduate at the University of Michigan, and his story 'At the Laundromat' won the 2006 Short Story Contest in the The Seattle Review, a national literary journal. A husband and father, he runs a home-inspection business in Milwaukee. His novels in the Peter Ash series are The Drifter--winner of the ITW Thriller Award and the Barry Award for Best First Novel--Burning Bright, and Light It Up.
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Light it up a peter ash novel petrie, nick light it up extends a quality action series with plenty of room ahead both for new adventures and character development milwaukee journal sentinel like robert parkers spenser, ash is a selfcontained, unstoppable force with very useful friends Google libros haz búsquedas en el mayor catálogo de libros completos del mundo mi colección editores información privacidad términos ayuda información privacidad términos ayuda Descargar light it up gratis android descargar light it up android, light it up android, light it up android descargar gratis
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Light It Up (Peter Ash)
- Autor: Nick Petrie
- Categoria: Libros,Policíaca, negra y suspense,Thriller y suspense
- Tamaño del archivo: 12 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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